Things You Should Do To Keep Your Car Running Smoothly

 Things You Should Do To Keep Your Car Running Smoothly

Leaving your car parked for a long time during the coronavirus lockdown – or any other time – can rack up some heavy repair bills. Your main concern with letting your car sit idle for an extended period should be the effect it will have on the battery.

While it’s recommended to stay in and practice social distancing, to curb the spread of coronavirus, you can still make sure your car stays in a good condition. Here are a few simple steps:

Take Your Car out For a Drive Once in A While to Keep the Batteries Alive

The easiest way of making sure your car batteries don’t discharge over time is by taking your car out for short drives over regular intervals. Experts recommend starting your at least once a week to avoid a dead battery. And while idling your car serves the same purpose, driving your car around the block is the best way to recharge your batteries.

Keep the Moving Parts Warm and Lubricated

Taking your car out for a spin not only keeps the battery alive but also keeps the engine and other moving parts from drying out. When your car remains unused for too long, the oil settles and seals begin to dry out which can damage the internal workings.

Invest in A Trickle Charger

A trickle charger is a great investment in times like these. It is a small device that plugs into a wall socket and can be attached to your car’s battery terminal. It is a convenient way of making sure your battery doesn’t die.

Choose a Good Parking Spot

It is important to keep a few factors in mind while parking your car in one place for a long time. It’s best to opt for a place that is pavemented or has gravel. This stops moisture from traveling into your car’s undercarriage, which leads to rusting. Avoid parking under a tree to protect your car from tree sap or bird poop that could damage the paint. Make sure you don’t leave any valuables behind.

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